Arrival & Departure


California law requires that middle school children be under the direct supervision of adults at all times. This means that students are required to be behind the yellow line before school starts and during lunch time. Pershing provides supervision on the 10 acres of our campus behind the yellow line and includes the upper playing field, cafeteria, and lunch court. Students with passes are permitted to move about the campus during specific times. There is no supervision 20 minutes before the first bell and 20 minutes after the last bell of the day. Students will be held accountable for following these state regulations. Students are asked to help reduce vandalism and other problems by reporting unusual or suspicious behavior to a teacher, administrator or other staff member.


  • Roundabout for 6th Grade ~ West side of school (circle)
  • Front of school for 7th Grade
  • Service Ramp for 8th Grade ~ East side of school
  • Roads close to school and have students walk
  • Crosswalks at Lake Badin and San Carlos Drive
  • NO jaywalking - must cross at crosswalk
  • NO drop off/pick up in parking lots
  • Please do not block or turn around on our neighbors driveway!
  • DO NOT do a U-turn!
  • Be a good neighbor
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